UIC Center for Urban School Leadership Program

The UIC Urban Education Leadership Program develops principals and administrative educational leaders who are capable of transforming low-performing urban schools, systems and entire districts. The program uses a combination of site-based coaching and coursework, in addition to quarterly assessments focused on the unique challenges of urban schools. It places an emphasis on the use of standards and data to drive performance, as well as inclusive leadership, continuous inquiry and reflection and research among peers. Candidates receive an Ed.D. degree, usually within five years. The Fund made the seed investment in UIC’s program beginning in 2003. The program was a founding member of the Chicago Leadership Collaborative (CLC) and is one of 10 member programs today. The CLC is a unique partnership between the Chicago Public Schools (CPS) and leading principal development programs. It provides the District with unprecedented capacity to develop, attract and retain high-performing principals from internal and external sources, making Chicago a “destination of choice” for aspiring urban school leaders.
  • More than 60 principals placed in CPS schools; around 70 percent of whom lead in high-need and high-achieving or improving schools.
  • As part of the CLC, the UIC Urban Education Leadership Program is a nationally recognized, ongoing partnership with CPS that collects data for continuous program improvement as a shared responsibility between the partners.

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