Professional Learning Communities

Learn your peers’ innovative practices and create a continuous improvement environment in your school.

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Professional Learning Communities Overview

Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) are peer study groups for current and aspiring principals led by the city’s top educational leaders. Since 2016, PLCs have helped school leaders expand their networks, learn new approaches, and strengthen their leadership effectiveness. Now offered on a semester basis, PLCs allow school leaders to engage in multiple topics throughout the year while earning Illinois Administrator Academy credits. These credits help fulfill annual certification requirements. PLC topics are designed to support principals in improving their schools’ performance on the Effective Leaders components of the 5Essentials Survey, which measures key areas such as trustbuilding, instructional leadership, and program coherence. In 2024-25, PLCs focus on areas like preventing burnout, leveraging instructional support staff, and strengthening dual-language programs. Additionally, PLC Leaders enhance their facilitation skills through a Community of Practice facilitated by Lead by Learning from Mills College.


  • Improved leadership practices that you can implement in your school.
  • A stronger professional network to give you ongoing support.
  • Free IAA credit as long as you meet all requirements.

Who Should Apply?

Any public school principal or aspiring principal in Chicago who wants to grow as a school leader.


“I joined my first PLC, not knowing it would help propel me into my next career move. Chicago is fortunate to have The Fund.”

Principal Raven Patterson-Talley

Emmett Till Elementary Math & Science Academy

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