Innovative Educator Network

Launched in summer 2013, The Fund’s Innovative Educator Network (The Network) unites high-performing educators willing to re-think the way they use talent, technology and time to transform student learning citywide. The Network consists of several program elements:
  • Design Studios, in which CPS teachers and principals receive an introduction to design thinking and problem solving in education.
  • The Summer Design Program (SDP), in which school-based teams of a principal and two or three teachers engage in a series of workshops designed to clarify a school-based academic challenge, identify new or known solutions in Chicago and elsewhere, and plan a classroom, grade-level or school-wide implementation.
  • Breakthrough Schools: Chicago, a $2 million competition for school designers and other entrepreneurial educators to develop and launch next-generation schools in Chicago that provide personalized instruction.
  • The Chicago Principals Fellowship, a rigorous, yearlong program designed to support and retain top public school principals by providing what many are asking for: differentiated professional development opportunities that help them continue to grow professionally in the leadership of their schools, teachers and students.
  • Case Studies and Reports, through which we provide examples of good practice within Chicago’s public schools by profiling principals with timely, innovative solutions to complex challenges.
More than 800 educators from more than 90 Chicago public schools have joined The Network.

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