Chicago Principals in the National Spotlight

On April 13, The Center for American Progress hosted a panel in Washington, DC called “Unpacking Chicago’s Gains.” Moderator (and Fund Board Member) Beth Swanson spoke with CPS CEO Janice Jackson, Sara Ray Stoelinga of the University of Chicago, Principal Rodolfo Rojas of Everett Elementary and Fund CEO Heather Y. Anichini about Chicago’s journey from “worst district in the country” to leading the nation in growth. The conversation centered on four hypotheses behind Chicago’s growth. Chicago created an environment of excellence through a focus on data with the Consortium on School Research, a close partnership with business and philanthropy across the city, high standards for principals and schools and a focus on school principals as the locus of change. Rodolfo’s leadership at Everett Elementary served as the perfect example of how all four components - data, partnerships, high standards and a stellar leader - led to incredible student growth. The Fund’s work focusing district and city leaders on the importance of the principal as a highly effective investment to drive student improvement is a model other cities and the nation are now examining. This national attention is a clear indication that The Fund’s efforts focusing on principal quality have made a difference for Chicago children and should continue. Below are additional links to national coverage on Chicago’s incredible growth. Additional National Coverage of Chicago’s Growth

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