Grant Portfolio

The Fund’s grants make a measurable, positive impact on Chicago’s public schools and the students they serve.


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Since 2002, nearly all of Chicago’s principals and 10 percent of the city’s teachers have directly benefited from a Fund-related program. Over that same period, talented principals have led educators to narrow the achievement gap between Chicago’s elementary school students and their Illinois peers. The growing number of strong educators in our schools means tens of thousands of our students are better prepared for success in our global economy.

We invite you to learn more about our specific grants by clicking on any link below.



Amount: $400,000

Year: 2007-09

The Fund supported the development of Pathways to Leadership, a Chicago Public Schools (CPS) initiative dedicated to identifying potential new principals from within the current CPS workforce.

Amount: $120,000

Year: 2010-11

The Fund supported the pilot and validation of the Polaris Assessment Systems Job Fit Inventory for Teachers (JFI-T), an online teacher screening tool.

Amount: $270,000

Year: 2002-04

Strategic Learning Initiatives (SLI) is a Chicago-based nonprofit organization working with schools serving low-income families in Chicago, the state of Illinois, and Los Angeles.

Amount: $20,000

Year: 2011-12

This investment led to an unprecedented level of citywide teacher engagement and collaboration around identifying new ideas with potential to improve student learning.

Amount: $400,000

Year: 2007-09

The Fund contracted a consultant who identified and recruited these leaders and framed the strategy for upper-level leadership recruitment and internal talent identification, cultivation and evaluation.

Amount: $400,000

Year: 2000-03

In order to promote state-level support for National Board Certification, The Fund invested in Illinois State University’s resource center.

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