Grant Portfolio

The Fund’s grants make a measurable, positive impact on Chicago’s public schools and the students they serve.


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Since 2002, nearly all of Chicago’s principals and 10 percent of the city’s teachers have directly benefited from a Fund-related program. Over that same period, talented principals have led educators to narrow the achievement gap between Chicago’s elementary school students and their Illinois peers. The growing number of strong educators in our schools means tens of thousands of our students are better prepared for success in our global economy.

We invite you to learn more about our specific grants by clicking on any link below.



Amount: $585,000

Year: 2016

In order to provide principals with targeted, differentiated in-role supports, The Fund will make grants to a series of coaching organizations throughout SY 2015-16 and 2016-17.

Amount: $250,000

Year: 2015-2016

The Fund invested $250,000 to engage researchers from Transcend and Helix Partners to study and analyze implementation.

Amount: $30,000

Year: 2011-12

As Chicago Public Schools (CPS) developed and began the roll-out of its Full School Day Initiative in the second half of 2011, The Fund worked with The National Center on Time & Learning (NCTL) to develop a comprehensive plan for support.

Amount: $480,000

Year: 2003-06

The Teacher Residency and Internship Program (TRIP), formerly known as Summer Fellows, attracted the best and brightest education majors from around the nation to Chicago well in advance of the typical recruiting and hiring season.

Amount: $400,000

Year: 2002-04

The Fund provided capital to help launch The Grow Network in Chicago.

Amount: $1,000,000

Year: '08-'12

The National Board for Professional Teaching Standards (NBPTS) expanded its work providing advanced credentials for “master teachers” by creating an advanced principal certificate, National Board Certification for Educational Leaders (NBCEL).

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